Thursday, August 14, 2014

ESA Science & Technology: Engineering

ESA Science & Technology: Engineering

Service Module consists of a closed box, shaped around a hollow central
cone, and comprises the lower and upper platforms as well as four side
panels, on which all satellite bus units are installed. The functions
provided by the Service Module (SVM) are:

  • The primary
    and secondary structures to interface with the launcher adapter, to
    support the subsystem units, and to interface with and support the
    Mirror Support Platform and the Telescope Tube
  • The thermal
    control to maintain the SVM units and equipment within specified
    temperature limits, and to provide a very strictly controlled thermal
    environment for the mirror assemblies
  • The Attitude and Orbit
    Control System (AOCS) for precise pointing/slewing in all operational
    modes, and for the performance of orbit acquisition/maintenance via the
    RCS propulsion system (reaction Control System)
  • The On-Board
    Data Handling (OBHD) for the decoding of ground telecommands, the
    distribution of ground on-board commands, the sampling and formatting of
    telemetry data, and central on-board time distribution
  • The
    Radio Frequency System (RFS), operating in S-band, ensuring
    communications with the ground stations and providing a ranging mode for
    orbit determination
  • The Electrical Power Subsystem (EPSS)
    for the generation and distribution of regulated power to all equipment
    via a 28 V main bus

exploded view of the XMM Service Module, with its side panels open.
Thanks to its particular shape, with a large central hole of 2.10 m
diameter, the XMM bus can be used to accommodate a large variety of

< Previous article: Structural Design
Next article: Attitude and Orbital Control Systems (AOCS) >

Last Update: 19 September 2011

14-Aug-2014 20:01 UT

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